Who is Great Wall IP?
Eterna Link Enterprises Pty. Ltd. of Australia, in affiliation with Da Vinci Partners LLC, Switzerland, the largest Europe-based, US patent firm.
What is a "verifed profile"?
A verified profile is one which meets one or more of the following conditions:
1) the IP professional or IP firm has submitted documentation, in English, certified translations, to Great Wall IP (aka, GWIP, i.e., Eterna Link Enterprises or its affiliate, Da Vinci Partners) of a quality that satisfies GWIP that such IP professional or IP firm is qualified substantially as indicated on their profile and has paid a $500 fee for review and verification of such documentation to GWIP; or
2) the IP professional or IP firm and GWIP have established a professional working relationship that is ongoing and of a duration of more than one year; or
3) the IP professional is known to GWIP via personal contact and presented under circumstances that leave little doubt as to the qualifications of the IP professional.
What are the requirements for registration?
You have to be fluent in Chinese and be a Chinese intellectual property professional, such as a registered Chinese patent agent, a Chinese IP attorney, a Chinese patent searcher, a China-based expert on Chinese IP law or IP enforcement, or a foreign-based registered patent agent that is fully conversant in Chinese and whose practice focuses primarily on Chinese intellectual property matters, then you are a candidate for membership on Great Wall IP.com.
To qualify as a firm registrant, you must have at least one person on staff that fits the above criteria and that person must be registered individually on our site along with the firm profile.
How long will my profile be hosted?
As long as you meet our conditions, your profile will be hosted, subject to the terms of our Terms of Service, which are updated from time to time.
Can I edit my profile myself?
Yes, log in with your Username and Password. The rest should be intuitive.
How can I upload a picture or a banner?
In your personal profile you will find the option "Photograph", where you can upload pictures. It should not exceed our maximum allowed size of [2.0 MB]
Ideally your photo should be less than 260px in width and 350px in height.
Do I have any obligations towards Great Wall IP?
Yes, you must be honest and frank with us. For example, you must be truthful when confirming that all data and information in your profile/presentation is true and correct.
Do I have to pay anything?
For those Chinese IP professionals who we know, and with whom we've worked, basic registration is free, although you may choose services for which GREAT WALL IP may charge fees for their use, but of course, you will be aware of the costs prior to engaging yourself to any such supplemental services.
How can I sign up for the Newsletter?
How can I make a search for a specialist in a certain domain?
Use our Quick search where you can select a specialist by area or just enter a search by keywords.
I would like having my profile appear under "Featured IP Firms" Area. How can I do this?
Send a request to our support team. This is generally a paid service.
Who do I have to contact when problems with my profile or the website occur?
Is Great Wall IP affiliated with any particular Chinese IP firm?
No. GWIP is managed by Eterna Link Enterprises Pty. Ltd. of Australia in
partnership with Da Vinci Partners, a a Swiss-based Intellectual
Property firm.
Can I advertise at GWIP?
Yes you can. We do not certify our advertisers and refer our visitors to
our database of attorneys for further comment and ratings.
Do you rate IP professionals or firms?
Yes. We rate attorneys and firms based on information submitted by these
firms, and some form of personal contact. The greater we trust the firm's
principals and their competences, the higher the rating. Firms who have
taken out ads or who we've personally visited, or who have passed our
stringent due diligece reviews receive higher ratings than those who do not.
Contact us for further information about this subject.
Why is your site not available in Chinese?
Our clients speak English and seek Chinese IP counsel that speaks English as
well. Therefore, we don't find it necessary to provide a Chinese version of
the site just yet. This will definitely change at some point in the future